Are you ready to feel empowered to hit your goals in 2024 and make money so effortlessly and easily that it feels like magic?

Are you tired of not knowing how to incorporate automated systems that streamline your revenue?

Do you love to create offers but you struggle with sales because you don’t know how to sell with confidence and ease?

Do you desire to run a business that effortlessly generates automated revenue?

Then this video training is for you!

Inside this training you will learn:

  • how you can map out your revenue and income streams for the year ahead so you have a clear plan and can say goodbye to stressing about posting your offers and praying that someone buys

  • how to sell authentically and engage potential clients on social media so you can sell effortlessly and in integrity without using sleazy sales tactics that you don’t feel aligned with

  • how to perfect your offer suite so you know exactly how to stack and position your offers and enable clients to go through all of your containers throughout their journey of working with you

You get instant and lifetime access to the training upon purchase + the financial tracking spreadsheet I personally use so you, too, can have an overview of your revenue at hand

Let’s make 2024 your BIGGEST YEAR yet!

Hi, I’m Alisa

You’re not here to DREAM about bringing in more money than you know what to do with…you’re here to DO IT! Join Money Magic and get my exact tools for bringing in WAY more money in WAY less time.

Being overworked and underpaid is NOT the vibe, so join me on this training and learn how to SIMPLIFY your business for more money. Hint - you don’t need MORE revenue streams…you just need better positioned revenue streams. I’ve been coaching on systems and automated money for 13 years, so I know some things. I look forward to seeing you in MONEY MAGIC!

What People Are Saying…

If you want a business that generates automated revenue with ease, this training is for you!

What you focus on grows...and I am going to show exactly how to plan 2024 as your BIGGEST YEAR YET.